Manage Employee

Save Cost on your Inventory!

Did you know, on an average, an HR professional spends about 50% of their day on time-consuming repetitive HR tasks and answering employee queries?

With Kredily free up those hours spent filing applications and documents by automating employee onboarding process and digitally storing all necessary documents. Kredily also comes with the ESS portal for your employees to raise leave requests, check company policies, and more.

Features Of Manage Employee:

  • 01 ESS Portal

    Self-service portal for employees to raise leave requests, declare investment, upload documents and more.

  • Your data is securely stored in our servers and never shared with any third-party entities without your consent.

  • Encourage interactions and collaborations between employees with Machax - Kredily’s social network

  • Share holiday updates, company news, upcoming events and more with all your employees